Why does makeup make my eyes water? The reasons and the solutions

A typical question regarding makeup is why does makeup make my eyes water. When it comes to makeup, watery eyes can be a common problem. There are a few different reasons why this may happen, but the good news is that there are also some simple solutions. Here’s a closer look at why makeup may make your eyes water and what you can do about it.

Why does makeup make my eyes water?

There are a few reasons why makeup may cause your eyes to water. One possible explanation for watery eyes when wearing makeup is that you may be allergic to one of the ingredients. If your eyes start to water soon after applying makeup, it’s worth researching to see if your products have any known allergies.

Even if you don’t have an allergy, it’s possible that your body could be reacting to something in the makeup itself. In either case, switching to hypoallergenic or sensitive options may help resolve the issue. Another possibility is that you need to use more products. In particular, it’s important not to go overboard regarding eye makeup.

Too much mascara or eyeliner can cause your eyes to water, so try using less next time and see if that makes a difference. In general, it’s also a good idea to avoid getting any product in your tear ducts, as this can further irritate your eyes and cause them to water even more. Finally, if your eyes tend to water when you wear makeup due to environmental factors such as wind or pollen, there are some easy solutions for that as well.

The science of makeup and tears

The Science of Makeup and Tears

When it comes to makeup and tears, the science is pretty straightforward. Makeup can cause your eyes to water for several reasons, but the most common is irritating the sensitive skin around your eyes. Even if you don’t have allergies to any of the ingredients in your makeup, applying it can cause your eyes to water.

If you wear contacts, they can also irritate your eyes and cause them to tear up. So why does it seem like some people can wear makeup all day without their eyes watering while others start tearing up as soon as they put on mascara? It all has to do with individual sensitivities. Some people’s skin is more sensitive, so even gentle products can irritate.

If your eyes start watering when you wear makeup, it’s best to avoid using products that contain harsh chemicals or fragrances, as these are more likely to irritate your eyes. You might also want to use hypoallergenic makeup products or those specifically designed for sensitive skin.

What are the ingredients in makeup that can irritate?

A few different makeup ingredients can irritate, such as certain preservatives, fragrances, and colorants. If you have sensitive skin, it’s essential to read your makeup products’ labels to ensure they don’t contain any of these irritants. If you need clarification on an ingredient, you can always look it up online or ask a salesperson at the makeup counter.

How to prevent your makeup from making your eyes water?

You can do a few things to prevent your makeup from watering your eyes. First, be sure to clean your face thoroughly before applying any makeup. This will help remove any dirt or oil causing your eyes to water. Second, use a primer before applying your makeup.

This will help create a barrier between your skin and the makeup and will also help keep your makeup in place throughout the day. Third, choose waterproof mascara and eyeliner to help prevent smudging and running. Finally, remove all your makeup before bed to avoid any overnight irritation.

What are the ingredients in makeup that can cause irritation

What are some alternative products to use that won’t irritate your eyes?

One alternative is to try mineral makeup. These products are usually made with natural ingredients and are gentle on the skin. Another option is to use hypoallergenic makeup designed for sensitive skin. You can also try using an eye primer before applying any other products, as this will help create a barrier between your skin and the makeup.

If you’re unsure what’s causing your eyes to water when you wear makeup, it’s best to consult a dermatologist or allergist. They can help you identify the problem and find the right solution.

Why does my left eye water when I wear makeup?

There are a few reasons your left eye may water when you wear makeup. It could be that you are allergic to a specific ingredient in the makeup, or it could be that the makeup irritates your eyes. If you have sensitive skin, it is also possible that the makeup is causing an allergic reaction. If your left eye only waters when you wear makeup, it is likely that the problem is with the makeup itself.

If you are allergic to an ingredient in makeup, try switching to a different brand or type of makeup. If the issue is with the irritability of your eyes, try using hypoallergenic makeup or one specifically designed for sensitive eyes. If you have sensitive skin, test new makeup products on a small area of your skin before using them on your face. This will help you determine if the product will cause an allergic reaction.

Tips for watery eyes while makeup

If you have watery eyes while wearing makeup, there are a few things you can do to help mitigate the problem. First, be sure to use a good-quality eye makeup remover to remove all makeup traces before bed. This will help to keep your tear ducts clear and reduce the chance of irritation.

Next, when applying eye makeup, don’t get any product in your tear ducts. Use a cotton swab or Q-tip to gently apply product to the outer corners of your eyes, being careful not to get too close to the inner corner where your tear ducts are located.

Finally, if your eyes are particularly watery while wearing mascara, try using a waterproof formula. This will help to keep your mascara from running and smudging and will also help to keep your eyes from watering as much.


One thing that just about everyone can agree on is that sometimes, makeup can make your eyes water.

There are a few different reasons why this might happen. First, if you have any allergies to ingredients in your makeup, that can cause your eyes to water. Second, if you’re using products that are too harsh for your skin or not removing your makeup properly at night, that can also lead to irritation and watering eyes.

Finally, sometimes it’s just the chemicals in the makeup itself that can irritate your eyes and make them water. If so, switching to more natural or hypoallergenic products might help solve the problem.

If you find your eyes constantly watering when you wear makeup, it’s worth trying out some of these solutions. And if nothing seems to help, it might be time to consult an allergy specialist or dermatologist to see if something more serious is happening.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I stop my eyes from watering when I wear makeup?

When your eyes water while wearing makeup, it can be frustrating and cause your makeup to run. You can do a few things to help prevent this from happening.

First, ensure you use a good-quality makeup remover that is gentle on your eyes. Avoid harsh chemicals that could irritate your eyes and cause them to water.

Next, be careful not to apply too much pressure when applying or removing your eye makeup. Be incredibly gentle when removing eye makeup, as tugging too hard on the delicate skin around your eyes can cause irritation and watering.

Finally, if you wear contact lenses, ensure they are clean and free of debris before putting them in. Wearing dirty or ill-fitting contacts can irritate your eyes and cause them to water.

Why do my eyes watery and my nose run when I wear makeup?

One of the most common questions at Makeup.com is: Why does makeup make my eyes watery and nose run? While it’s annoying, there are a few reasons this happens, and luckily, you can do a few things to prevent it!

The first reason your eyes might water when wearing makeup is because of an allergic reaction. If your eyes start watering shortly after applying products or if they feel incredibly irritated, you may be allergic to an ingredient in your product. In this case, switching to hypoallergenic products or those specifically designed for sensitive skin is essential.

Another reason your eyes may water when wearing makeup is because of the way the products are applied. If you tend to apply effects directly to your lash line or use harsh strokes when applying liner or mascara, this can irritate the delicate skin around your eyes and cause them to water. To prevent this, be gentle when applying products near your eyes, and always start with a light hand. You can also use an eyelash curler before applying mascara to help minimize contact with the skin.

Finally, if your eyes water every time you wear makeup, it could be because of the type of products you’re using. Waterproof mascaras and liners are notorious for causing irritation and eye-watering because they’re challenging to remove.